SeedFi is a data and digital lending company which is focused on ensuring financial growth and empowerment for individuals by providing solutions to the issues around the credit ecosystem. SeedFi also aims to demystify the credit process and eliminate the prejudices around financial aid by ensuring that financial literacy for consumers exists. We provide unique offerings which aim to tackle key areas in the consumer market. SeedFi provides the following features:1. SeedFi Consumer Loans: get consumer/ retails loans with Sterling to meet your immediate obligations within minutes.2. Clusters: create or join a cluster on SeedFi. By creating or joining a community, you get to enjoy better interest rates and discounts given to these SeedFi communities.3. Creation and Funding of Wallet Accounts: create and fund your wallets on the platform to enable you receive loans and meet repayment obligations.4. Buy Now, Pay Later with SeedFi Shop: receive financing for event tickets, groceries/ consumables as well as assets e.g electronics, inverters. This will enable you improve the quality of your lifestyle immediately without the pressure of your savings being affected by inflation.5. Building of Credit History and Credit Rating: with SeedFi, you ca build and improve your credit rating by taking advantage of the credit system and meeting up with your obligations.6. Great and Ethical Interest Rates: our interest rates are competitive and make us lender of choice in the financial market. Interest Rate: this ranges between 3-7% monthly based on the eligibility of the customer.Annual Percentage Rate: this ranges between 42-70% based on the interest rate availed to the customer.Loan Period: a customer can be availed a loan from 3 months up to 12 months for repayment.Representative Example: Loan amount of ₦50,000 borrowed for 12 months. Monthly Interest Rate: 4%. Fee: 2% flat. Insurance: 1% per annum. Total amount payable: ₦65,431.30 APR: 54.347%.